April 30, 2008

The Roots

Saw The Roots yesterday at Yale.

The Discouraging Optimism of Blue & Joy

Photos from a catalog I picked up in London for a Blue&Joy exhibit.
Link: http://www.blueandjoy.com/blog/?page_id=343

April 28, 2008

Rumi Reading

Sunday afternoon I went to a reading by famous poets, the main even
was Coleman Barks (here on the right) reading some of Rumi's poetry
(as well as some of his own), accompanied by Glen Velez on frame drum.
Velez is out of this world: http://glenvelez.com/

Sunday Breakfast

Look at this presentation!! I just had to take a photo. My housemate's
girlfriend shows up at out place Sunday noon and decided to make us
all crepes! I approve.

No Entry to Mammals

At the museum in NYC. I had permission to enter.


Courtesy of Ryan.

April 26, 2008

Saturday night in New Haven

At a bar called Bar. It's not as fun as it looks, really.

April 25, 2008

Antelope heads

Don't move, they'll hear you.

Brooklyn Subway Graffiti

Not the best, but a sunny day.

Brooklyn Army Terminal

Super industrial building used to be an army terminal, now it's all
civilian. There's a train down below and those balconies are all
loading bays. The walls still carry old signs naming the countries
army stuff was sent to. Probably WWII.

Elmo on 42nd

After I took this picture of Elmo, I proceeded to beat the crap out of
him. Just kidding, I like Elmo.

April 21, 2008

Rockets Are In

Sign in a hobby shop in New Haven. This sign would mean something very
different in certain other countries.

New York Breakdancers

The music was 'If you wanna be starting something' by michael jackson.

April 19, 2008

Conference of Governors on Climate Change

That's Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger up on the podium. In the back from left is Yale president Richard Levin, Nobel Prize winner IPCC ex-head R.K. Pachauri, and Jodi Rell governor of Connecticut, then at the end the dean of Yale Forestry School and a professor in the Law School.
The only one with something substantive (and intelligent) to say was Pachauri who commented on everyone's shared responsibility to tackle the inevitably disastrous consequences of global climate change. Arnold started his speech saying he and Levin were just at the gym pumping iron, and that Levin was "benchpressing a sophomore". Nice Arnie.

black leaves like flowers

April 16, 2008

Nicky Click and Scream Club

At Cafe Nine last night. Scream Club were awesome. They're the two chicks in back with the masks on, dancing for Nicky Click. This pic really encapsulates the classic kitch of this whole performance art thing.  http://www.myspace.com/screamclub

April 15, 2008

If They Bomb Iran flyer

Flyer on a bus stop near Yale.

In case you were wondering...

...yes, I'm still in New Haven.

April 14, 2008


That's a real Salvador Dali sketch, and it's up in my friends' living


An experimental theatrical music show, sort of a rock opera in
superslow motion, put together by a dude I know. It's about the
crumbling and miserable life of one Britney Spears and her knight in
shining amour JT.

Secret Society Building

This large rectangular tomb of a building has no windows or doors
besides the main one you see in this photo. North African and Arabian
geometry and architecture, like Andalucia. It's the meeting house of
one of Yale's secret societies, maybe the one called Scroll & Key.

The Dead Shall Be Raised

New Haven cemetary, quite old by this country's standards. Gate has
Egyptian symbolism.

April 11, 2008

Old Canal

They're renovating the road over the old new haven canal here. Strange
to think that this once held a lot of water and supported shipping
lines. Now it's being converted to a bike path. Cities of the
northeast USA contain a lot of relics of their once super-industrial

New Haven Signage

In my continuing obsession with signage, here is a totempole of 3.
Bottom is for the Yale Shuttle, aka 'Drunk-Bus'.

Miya's Sushi

I'm back in New Haven, Connecticut, and this is Miya's Sushi, one of the best restaurants in the world. It's the only place that serves it's own totally unique twist on sushi/sashimi, fusing a whole spectrum of world foods into the coloring book that is Japanese cuisine. My favorite remains the Kung Fu Tuna.

April 9, 2008

Trust Jesus!

Asleep on the job.

Zombie Strippers Movie Poster, Times Square NY

Caption: "They'll dance for a fee, but devour you for free". Saucy.

Ahlan wa Sahlan to Times Square

Times Square, New York City. They've got these welcome signs in a number of languages all over the place, I managed to find the one in Arabic.

April 6, 2008

East London Signage

On and around Old Street.

It's snowing in london!

Never seen it like this.

April 5, 2008

April 3, 2008

Where am i?

What's this about controlled zones? Is there a hajiz coming up? Oh no, they just mean parking. What happened to the double and triple-parked cars? Why aren't the taxis all honking all the time? Why are there so many rules posted everywhere? Why is it SO CLEAN???
Oh, I guess I must be in London.

April 2, 2008

Whose hands are prettier?

Mariam's (left) or Yassmine's (right)?
Food at Barometer is also the best bar food in the world.

April 1, 2008

View to Beirut from Bshamoun, dusk.

Actually that's not really Beirut, it's south of Beirut, in the distance to the right is Rafic Hariri International Airport. Taken from my great uncle's house. We had good cake.

Visit Palestine.

This picture and the one below are wall hangings at Barometre, a fantastic little bar in Beirut where I've pretty much become a regular.