March 31, 2008
March 30, 2008
Shatila kids goofing around
Everyone getting ready for the Land Day celebration event, commemorating demonstrations and strikes held in 1976 by Palestinians living in Israel in protest against Israel's discriminatory policies towards them. In the course of those demonstrations in 1976, Israeli forces killed six civilians.
Shatila refugee camp, Beirut
Concrete and cinder block buildings separated by alleyways often not much more than a meter wide, electrical wiring weaving webs low above people's heads, open gutters, muddy streets, walls covered in graffiti under layers of posters commemorating causes and martyrs. Tens of thousands of Palestinian refugees live in high densities in these slum cities. These are the chaotically-evolved settlements of what were once true camps, arrays of tents established to shelter the thousands of Palestinians who were exiled in 1948 and 1967. The camps in Lebanon are particularly forsaken.